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Andrä memo to Libera regarding preventative care, July 6, 1987

Date Made: 1987-07-06; 1980s
Country: German Democratic Republic
Materials: ink on paper
Method: typescript text
Measurements: 2 pages
Language: ger
Genre/Form: memorandums

A memo from Volkmar Andrä to Libera regards the consultation about preventative care for two colleagues, July 6, 1987. Document includes brief biographical information about Klaus-Peter Albrecht and Karl-Heinz Ocasek and advocates for them to receive preventative care. This document is part of a group of attached materials. For the group of attached documents, see Local identifiers: 2006.900.601.002.002.007 through 2006.900.601.002.002.009.

Collection/Series: Volkmar Andrä Papers
Accession Number: 2006.900.601.002.002.008
Credit Line: [Box/folder no. or item name], Volkmar Andrä Papers, Archive, The Wende Museum

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