DDR Archiv : Akten : Maerz - April 1983
Date Made: March-April, 1983; 1980s
Materials: plastic; metal; cardboard; adhesive; paper; ink; photographic paper; emulsion
Measurements: binder: 12 ½ in x 10 ½ in x 2 in (31.8 cm x 26.7 cm x 5.1 cm)
Language: ger
Genre/Form: scrapbooks; ring binders; photographs; correspondence; texts (documents)
Binder 076, classified as "DDR Archiv," with an additional category of "Akten," contains copies of typed documents, correspondence on letterhead, photographs, 18 miniature texts, and one medium-sized text (green cover). Highlights include: two Ministerrat booklets on national defense investment; booklet: "Wissen und Kaempfen" Vol. 3; 12-page (badly faded) document on tracking and reporting transactions with commercial entities and the ministries; surveillance report of contacts and conversations of Herbert Huebler, who is part of a trade delegation in Austria; multiple copies (18) of a booklet of abbreviations used by the military of the Warsaw Pact. in radio communications.
Collection/Series: DDR Archiv Scrapbook Collection
Accession Number: 2010.