
Unnamed Archive

Date Made: printed in December 2005
Country: West Germany
Materials: photograph paper
Measurements: 9 cm x 9 cm; 3 9/16 in x 3 9/16 in
Language: German
Genre/Form: photograph

This collection of 38 photographs primarily comprises images from the French sector of West Berlin. They include mostly black and white photographs, in addition to two color photos. There are duplicates of many of the images. Several feature the barbed wire that marked the boundary between the French Sector and the GDR. This is visible in the two color photographs that record a memorial to Bernd Lunser . Lünser was killed in October 1961 at age 22 while trying to flee to West Berlin. The grave reads "Driven into death by Vopos [East German Volkspolizei] 4.10.61. Died for freedom" ("Von Vopos in den Tod getrieben 4.10.61. Für die Freiheit gestorben"). Bernd Lünser had studied in West Berlin before the Wall was erected and aspired to escape to the West in order to continue his education. He planned to cross the border by jumping down from the buildings on Bernauer Straße, but was confronted by East German police and tragically died. The photographs are a reminder that the borders in Berlin did not only divide people and severely limit free movement, but also resulted in many fatalities. Also included in this collection is a sign encouraging West Berliners not to express anger and violence towards the East German Volkspolizei but to "see through the uniform" and show compassion, in order to encourage peace and understanding across the Wall: "23000 Vopos flüchteten seit 1949. Die unverlässigste Armee der Welt! Die Zahl der Maueropfer wäre noch zehnfach größer, wenn alle Grenzposten Zielschüsse abgeben würden. Beschimpft sie nicht mit Schmährufen. DURCHSCHAUT DIE UNIFORM! Und wo Ihr den Menschen entdeckt habt, beweist es durch einen freundlichen Gruß. Eure Haltung und Euer kleines Opfer können die Mauer weiter aufreißen als die größte Sprengstoffladung." In English this says that 23000 East German Volkspolizei have fled since 1949. The most unreliable army in the world! The number of Wall victims would be 10 times higher if all guards shot to kill. Do not insult them. SEE THROUGH THE UNIFORM. And when you encounter Mankind, show it with a friendly greeting. Your attitude and your small sacrifice can rip open the Wall more than the biggest explosion.

Collection/Series: Peter Bochmann Border Guard Collection
Accession Number: 2017.015.018


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