
Informatsionnyi Byulleten' po Problemam Evreiskoi Repatriatsii i Kul'tury No. 2 - 3 (38 - 39), fevral' - mart 1990

Date Made: 1990-02/1990-03; 1990s
Materials: paper; ink
Method: reprographic copies
Language: rus; eng; heb
Genre/Form: periodicals

Issue number two and three (thirty-eight and thirty-nine) of the samizdat periodical Information Bulletin on Issues of Jewish Repatriation and Culture, February to March 1990. Published in Moscow. Editorial board includes Editor in Chief Alexander Smukler, Deputy Editor in Chief Mozus Truskinovskii, and editors Ben'yamin Ben'yaminov, Rafail Fainberg, Leonid Govzman, Meir Kharev, Valentin Lidskii, Igor' Mirovich, Leonid Raitsen, Yakov Tsukerman, and Iosif Zisel's.

Collection/Series: Alexander Smukler Collection
Sub-series: Jewish Periodical Samizdat
Accession Number: 2021.035.002.248


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