Grosstagebau Klettwitz - Abraumförderbrücke

Grosstagebau Klettwitz - Abraumförderbrücke


Date Made: 1987
Country: German Democratic Republic

Materials: porcelain
Measurements: 3.5 cm x 29.5 cm; 1 3/8 in x 11 5/8 in

Plate commemorating 25th Anniversary (1962-1987) of an overburden conveyor bridge built in Klettwitz. The overburden conveyor bridge was used in mining to transport the overburden that lies over the coal seam. The plate has a picture of the bridge painted in grey and black. The text reads: "Grosstagebau Klettwitz", "Abraumförderbrücke" (large -scale open cast mining, overburden conveyor bridge). Colditz logo on the back of the plate with the text "Weisswasser".

Accession Number: 2010.1163.001

Collection/Series: Commemorative Plates


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