DDR Archiv Scrapbook Collection

Preserved at the Wende Museum in a set of 159 binders, this collection offers a continuous history of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) as seen through different aspects of the activities of the Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (MfS, Ministry for State Security, Stasi). These are arranged in a linear manner covering the history of the organization’s function in East Germany dating from 1945 and the earliest days of the Soviet Occupation Zone through the mid-1990s and the GDR’s dissolution/Treuhand. In these binders activities of the MfS are seen through compilations of secondary documents such as newspaper clippings, articles, copied documents/reports, photographs, publications and a selection of what look to be primary documents that originate from the MfS office or subsidiary offices of the MfS.

Though only one segment of the GDR governing structure, the Ministry encompassed so many areas of controlling authority as to be practically synonymous with the GDR itself. Best known as the surveillance arm of the government, the MfS was also the fiscal authority behind the military economy, foreign trade, passports and tourism, and all matters of intelligence / counterintelligence.

The cataloging and digitization of this collection was made possible by the support of Arcadia – a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin.

Showing search results 76-90 of 159
Showing search results 76-90 of 159


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