Array ( [offset] => 1 [size] => 24 [records] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Term] => Film ) [1] => Array ( [Term] => Soviet Hippie Collection ) [2] => Array ( [Term] => Hoffman Home Movie Collection ) [3] => Array ( [Term] => The Ferris Russian Collection, Donated by Tom and Jeri Ferris ) [4] => Array ( [Term] => Alexander Smukler Collection ) [5] => Array ( [Term] => Cold War Culver City Oral Histories ) [6] => Array ( [Term] => DDR Archiv Scrapbook Collection ) [7] => Array ( [Term] => Textile Collection ) [8] => Array ( [Term] => Volkmar Andrä Papers ) [9] => Array ( [Term] => Commemorative Plates ) [10] => Array ( [Term] => Diplomatic Gifts ) [11] => Array ( [Term] => Consumer Products ) [12] => Array ( [Term] => Furniture ) [13] => Array ( [Term] => Flags & Banners ) [14] => Array ( [Term] => Busts & Sculptures ) [15] => Array ( [Term] => Surveillance & Espionage ) [16] => Array ( [Term] => Toys & Games ) [17] => Array ( [Term] => Outer Space ) [18] => Array ( [Term] => Industry ) [19] => Array ( [Term] => Agriculture ) [20] => Array ( [Term] => Polish Underground Collection ) [21] => Array ( [Term] => Erich Honecker Papers ) [22] => Array ( [Term] => Painting Collection ) [23] => Array ( [Term] => Peter Bochmann Border Guard Collection ) ) [fetchCount] => 24 [@controls] => Array ( [records:last] => Array ( [href] => [title] => Go to last row ) [records:first] => Array ( [href] => [title] => Go to first row ) [records:clear] => Array ( [method] => DELETE [href] => [title] => Clear the result set. ) [self] => Array ( [href] => ) [records:firstpage] => Array ( [href] => [title] => Retrieve a set of records. ) [records:next] => Array ( [href] => [title] => Get the next record ) ) [limit] => 100 [id] => emJOixxnkZwD0hy4NZdNp9Ppbrq1IWt2 [@namespaces] => Array ( [records] => Array ( [name] => ) [resources] => Array ( [name] => ) ) [title] => lists result set [@meta] => Array ( [@title] => lists records (1-24) [@description] => Records fetched from a search result. ) )
Array ( [offset] => 1 [size] => 42 [records] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Option4] => Archive [DateMade] => 1988-06-12; 1980s [Ref] => 44758 [IdNumber] => 2006.900.601.001.006.001 [ItemName] => minutes (administrative records) [Title] => Protokoll über AGL-Sitzung am 2.6.88 [LinkedMedia] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [MediaRef] => [Media_Type] => IMAGE [Media] => ump.di?e=371F1FE41B7101B7D70E2E1CFAF47B9408D92FC74B7F8BC06D25F1A4EE3AA539&s=&se=&f=%5Cd8713%5Cu22687135%5C2006_900_601_001_006_001_001_o2.jpg [Step] => 1 [Media_Locator] => ) [1] => Array ( [MediaRef] => [Media_Type] => IMAGE [Media] => ump.di?e=77BAF5AD4D4A7695BBA1FEC2E696FB4DB5782534443D5FAA179DFAA827CC9F6A&s=&se=&f=%5Cd9684%5Cu22796841%5C2006_900_601_001_006_001_002_o2.jpg [Step] => 2 [Media_Locator] => ) ) [Maker] => Rindler; [VEB Deutsche Schallplatten, AGL] ) [1] => Array ( [Option4] => Archive [DateMade] => 1988-03-08; 1980s [Ref] => 44759 [IdNumber] => 2006.900.601.001.006.002 [ItemName] => minutes (administrative records); memorandums [Title] => Protokoll über AGL-Sitzung am 8.3.88 [Maker] => Rindler; [VEB Deutsche Schallplatten, AGL]; [Volkmar Andrä] ) [2] => Array ( [Option4] => Archive [DateMade] => 1988-12; 1980s [Ref] => 46007 [IdNumber] => 2006.900.601.001.007.002 [ItemName] => drafts (documents) [Title] => Entwurf Zentrales Wettbewerbsprogramm 1989 [Maker] => [Krökel]; [Bürger]; [Meyer]; [VEB Deutsche Schallplatten, BGL] ) [3] => Array ( [Option4] => Archive [DateMade] => 1988-06-23/1988-10-12; 1980s [Ref] => 46008 [IdNumber] => 2006.900.601.001.007.003 [ItemName] => proposals (documents); notes (documents) [Title] => Vorschlag zur Weiterführung des Titelkampfes - BGL-Bereich Berlin [Maker] => [Gornowicz]; [Volkmar Andrä]; [VEB Deutsche Schallplatten, BGL] ) [4] => Array ( [Option4] => Archive [DateMade] => 1988-05-26; 1980s [Ref] => 46011 [IdNumber] => 2006.900.601.001.007.006 [ItemName] => drafts (documents) [Title] => Entwurf Maßnahmenplan zur Verbesserung der Arbeits - und Lebensbedingungen 1989 [Maker] => VEB Deutsche Schallplatten ) [5] => Array ( [Option4] => Archive [DateMade] => 1988-09-30; 1980s [Ref] => 46013 [IdNumber] => 2006.900.601.001.007.008 [ItemName] => texts (documents) [Title] => Beschluß zur Durchführung der Plandiskussion 1989 im VEB DS [Maker] => [Krökel]; [Bürger]; VEB Deutsche Schallplatten, Betriebsgewerkschaftsleitung ) [6] => Array ( [Option4] => Archive [DateMade] => 1988-06-23; 1980s [Ref] => 46014 [IdNumber] => 2006.900.601.001.007.009 [ItemName] => proposals (documents) [Title] => Vorschlag zur Weiterführung des Titelkampfes - BGL-Bereich Berlin [Maker] => Gornowicz; [VEB Deutsche Schallplatten, BGL] ) [7] => Array ( [Option4] => Archive [DateMade] => 1988-10-06; 1980s [Ref] => 46015 [IdNumber] => 2006.900.601.001.007.010 [ItemName] => texts (documents) [Title] => Maßnahmenplan zur Verbesserung der Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen 1989 [Maker] => VEB Deutsche Schallplatten ) [8] => Array ( [Option4] => Archive [DateMade] => 1988-10; 1980s [Ref] => 46017 [IdNumber] => 2006.900.601.001.007.012 [ItemName] => drafts (documents) [Title] => Entwurf Betriebskollektivvertrag 1989 - Teil A [Maker] => [VEB Deutsche Schallplatten, BGL] ) [9] => Array ( [Option4] => Archive [DateMade] => 1988-12-12; 1980s [Ref] => 46018 [IdNumber] => 2006.900.601.001.007.013 [ItemName] => correspondence [Title] => Änderungen zum BKV-Entwurf 1989 [LinkedMedia] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [MediaRef] => [Media_Type] => IMAGE [Media] => ump.di?e=2102E10C76AC1E9B8E1A3BBF5C89FB971D2534294B87D07604D60D7B2F7C22B0&s=&se=&f=%5Cd5281%5Cu23152815%5C2006_900_601_001_007_013_o2.jpg [Step] => 1 [Media_Locator] => ) ) [Maker] => Brenner ) [10] => Array ( [Option4] => Archive [DateMade] => 1988-12-01; 1980s [Ref] => 46019 [IdNumber] => 2006.900.601.001.007.014 [ItemName] => texts (documents) [Title] => Direktionsvorlage zum 8. 12. 1988 [Maker] => [VEB Deutsche Schallplatten] ) [11] => Array ( [Option4] => Archive [DateMade] => 1988-10-19; 1980s [Ref] => 46020 [IdNumber] => 2006.900.601.001.007.015 [ItemName] => minutes (administrative records) [Title] => Protokoll über die AGL-Sitzung am 12.10.1988 [Maker] => [Rindler]; Wand; [VEB Deutsche Schallplatten, AGL] ) [12] => Array ( [Option4] => Archive [DateMade] => [1986]; 1980s [Ref] => 44889 [IdNumber] => 2006.900.601.001.011.001 [ItemName] => agreements (legal documents) [Title] => Betriebskollektivvertrag des VEB Deutsche Schallplatten 1986 : Teil A [Maker] => Költzsch; Krökel; Bürger; [VEB Deutsche Schallplatten, BGL] ) [13] => Array ( [Option4] => Archive [DateMade] => [1986]; 1980s [Ref] => 44890 [IdNumber] => 2006.900.601.001.011.002 [ItemName] => agreements (legal documents) [Title] => Betriebskollektivvertrag des VEB Deutsche Schallplatten 1986 : Teil B [Maker] => [VEB Deutsche Schallplatten, BGL] ) [14] => Array ( [Option4] => Archive [DateMade] => October, 1984; 1980s [Ref] => 44893 [IdNumber] => 2006.900.601.001.011.005 [ItemName] => texts (dcouments) [Title] => 1. Entwurf : BKV 1985 - Veränderungen zum BKV 1984 [Maker] => [VEB Deutsche Schallplatten] ) ) [fetchCount] => 15 [@controls] => Array ( [records:last] => Array ( [href] => [title] => Go to last row ) [records:first] => Array ( [href] => [title] => Go to first row ) [records:nextpage] => Array ( [href] => [title] => Retrieve the next page. ) [records:clear] => Array ( [method] => DELETE [href] => [title] => Clear the result set. ) [self] => Array ( [href] => ) [records:firstpage] => Array ( [href] => [title] => Retrieve a set of records. ) [records:next] => Array ( [href] => [title] => Get the next record ) ) [limit] => 15 [id] => QLlHkhA3UdBI1CzegLTCyGvxqHMB1U5m [@namespaces] => Array ( [records] => Array ( [name] => ) [resources] => Array ( [name] => ) ) [title] => catalogue result set [@meta] => Array ( [@title] => catalogue records (1-15) [@description] => Records fetched from a search result. ) )