Exhibition / Past

Ceija Stojka and Scenes of Roma Life

Ceija Stojka, Die Mama [The Mama], 1995, acrylic on canvas
Collection Pacific University
Image by Bill Carrigan
© 2023 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / Bildrecht, Vienna

November 11, 2023 to April 7, 2024
The Wende Museum

Ceija Stojka and Scenes of Roma Life juxtaposes artwork by Austrian Romani writer, musician, painter, and activist Ceija Stojka (1933-2013) with captivating photographs of Roma and Sinti daily life in Cold War-era Eastern Europe. Stojka’s colorful works reflect on Roma community life and history, including the Holocaust, of which she was a survivor. Meanwhile, the photographs reveal the rarely seen world of Roma and Sinti peoples in Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary through images taken by photographers from or close to the community. Taken together, these works illuminate the resilience, culture, and shared history of the Roma and Sinti.

Featured artists include Dávid Horváth, Judit M. Horváth, Árpád Kiss-Kuntler, Jaroslav Kucera, Layla Kuznetsova, György Stalter, Ceija Stojka, Lenke Szilágyi, Péter Walter, and Zsigmond Vörös. 

Featured organizations include the International Ceija Stojka Association and the Archive of Modern Conflict.

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